Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Room 2 Writers

Why do human animals love chocolate?

Chocolate is sweet and it can be an Easter Egg or a chocolate bar or anything like a chocolate Easter Bunny from a shop. Chocolate has sugar in it. That's why it's tasty and sweet. My mum does not like chocolate because she doesn't like her teeth to get brown. My dad likes chocolate a little bit. I like it so much but not a little bit or a tiny bit.

What famous person would you choose to spend a day with?

I would like to invite a mummy my house that lives in a tomb and it has got a curse on it. Then I would say to it to take the the toilet paper off it. Then I would chuck it in the rubbish bin. Then go home and eat its breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then brush it's teeth because it should have done that before it came to my house. So that would of taught it a lesson. But he came back without doing it.
The End.

If I'm a dog I would run like a cheetah and if someone comes close I would sniff them because then I would know them.
If some guy said, "My son is lost!" Then the police would say, "Give me his t-shirt." Then they would give me his t-shirt. Then I would sniff it and walk and walk until I found him. We went back to the park . We gave the man his kid. Then the Police said,"The job is done."
Then we played in the park. I fell in the mud.

I eat my vegetables first because vegetables make you healthy and corn makes you strong. I like peas at home on the plate and the plate goes on the table. My mum tells me to eat tea that's on the plate.
I like vegetables because they make you healthy and the best is mushroom. I like mushrooms.